Starting my own small business was one of the best decisions i’ve ever made. for years, i struggled working for others, often feeling like just another cog in the mechine. many employers didn’t seem to care about their employees’ well- being. They keep you when it suited them and let you go when it didn’t. The constant cycle of looking for new jobs, meeting new faces, and adapting to new positions left me feeling like lost and worried about my future. i couldn’t take a day off when i needed it, and even when i sick, i couldn’t rest becouse i was always thinking about who would pay the bills. most of earnings went to the goverment and rent, leaving little to support my parents, who had always been there for me. That ‘s when i realized i need to start my own business, no matter how small. i began telling my colleagues about my venture, invinting them to oder from me if they don’t mind. some ignored me, but others become loyal customers, and i truly appreciate them. their support not only helped my business grow but also gave me the strength to keep pushing forward. Now i’m im a position to help others, and it’s a rewarding feelings. I believe that if you’re not happy or comfortable in your current situation, it’s important to pursue what makes you feel better. i’m currently working on a book that details how i started my business, where and when i took the leap, and all the lessons i’ve learned along the way. If you’re interested please leave a comment, and l’ll let you know when it’s ready. Remember, the only thing holding you back is your own mind. Trust in the abilities Allah has given you, and take that first step towards a more fulfilling life.
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